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Terraform Module Docs

Perforce Helix Swarm


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0
aws 5.59.0
random 3.6.2


Name Version
aws 5.59.0
random 3.6.2


No modules.


Name Type
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.helix_swarm_redis_service_log_group resource
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.helix_swarm_service_log_group resource
aws_ecs_cluster.helix_swarm_cluster resource
aws_ecs_cluster_capacity_providers.helix_swarm_cluster_fargate_providers resource
aws_ecs_service.helix_swarm_service resource
aws_ecs_task_definition.helix_swarm_task_definition resource
aws_efs_access_point.helix_swarm_efs_access_point resource
aws_efs_access_point.redis_efs_access_point resource
aws_efs_file_system.helix_swarm_efs_file_system resource
aws_efs_mount_target.helix_swarm_efs_mount_target resource
aws_iam_policy.helix_swarm_default_policy resource
aws_iam_policy.helix_swarm_efs_policy resource
aws_iam_policy.helix_swarm_ssm_policy resource
aws_iam_role.helix_swarm_default_role resource
aws_iam_role.helix_swarm_task_execution_role resource
aws_lb.helix_swarm_alb resource
aws_lb_listener.swarm_alb_https_listener resource
aws_lb_target_group.helix_swarm_alb_target_group resource
aws_s3_bucket.helix_swarm_alb_access_logs_bucket resource
aws_s3_bucket_lifecycle_configuration.access_logs_bucket_lifecycle_configuration resource
aws_s3_bucket_policy.alb_access_logs_bucket_policy resource
aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block.access_logs_bucket_public_block resource
aws_security_group.helix_swarm_alb_sg resource
aws_security_group.helix_swarm_efs_security_group resource
aws_security_group.helix_swarm_service_sg resource
aws_vpc_security_group_egress_rule.helix_swarm_alb_outbound_service resource
aws_vpc_security_group_egress_rule.helix_swarm_service_outbound_ipv4 resource
aws_vpc_security_group_egress_rule.helix_swarm_service_outbound_ipv6 resource
aws_vpc_security_group_ingress_rule.helix_swarm_efs_inbound_service resource
aws_vpc_security_group_ingress_rule.helix_swarm_service_inbound_alb resource
random_string.helix_swarm resource
random_string.helix_swarm_alb_access_logs_bucket_suffix resource
aws_ecs_cluster.helix_swarm_cluster data source
aws_elb_service_account.main data source
aws_iam_policy_document.access_logs_bucket_alb_write data source
aws_iam_policy_document.ecs_tasks_trust_relationship data source
aws_iam_policy_document.helix_swarm_default_policy data source
aws_iam_policy_document.helix_swarm_efs_policy data source
aws_iam_policy_document.helix_swarm_ssm_policy data source
aws_region.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
certificate_arn The TLS certificate ARN for the Helix Swarm service load balancer. string n/a yes
cluster_name The name of the cluster to deploy the Helix Swarm service into. Defaults to null and a cluster will be created. string null no
create_helix_swarm_default_policy Optional creation of Helix Swarm default IAM Policy. Default is set to true. bool true no
create_helix_swarm_default_role Optional creation of Helix Swarm Default IAM Role. Default is set to true. bool true no
custom_helix_swarm_role ARN of the custom IAM Role you wish to use with Helix Swarm. string null no
enable_elastic_filesystem Flag to enable/disable elastic filesystem for persistent storage. Defaults to false. bool false no
enable_helix_swarm_alb_access_logs Enables access logging for the Helix Swarm ALB. Defaults to true. bool true no
enable_helix_swarm_alb_deletion_protection Enables deletion protection for the Helix Swarm ALB. Defaults to true. bool true no
environment The current environment (e.g. dev, prod, etc.) string "dev" no
existing_redis_host The hostname where the Redis cache that Swarm should use is running. string null no
existing_security_groups A list of existing security group IDs to attach to the Helix Swarm service load balancer. list(string) [] no
fqdn The fully qualified domain name that Swarm should use for internal URLs. string null no
helix_swarm_alb_access_logs_bucket ID of the S3 bucket for Helix Swarm ALB access log storage. If access logging is enabled and this is null the module creates a bucket. string null no
helix_swarm_alb_access_logs_prefix Log prefix for Helix Swarm ALB access logs. If null the project prefix and module name are used. string null no
helix_swarm_alb_subnets A list of subnets to deploy the Helix Swarm load balancer into. Public subnets are recommended. list(string) n/a yes
helix_swarm_cloudwatch_log_retention_in_days The log retention in days of the cloudwatch log group for Helix Swarm. string 365 no
helix_swarm_container_cpu The CPU allotment for the swarm container. number 1024 no
helix_swarm_container_memory The memory allotment for the swarm container. number 2048 no
helix_swarm_container_name The name of the swarm container. string "helix-swarm-container" no
helix_swarm_container_port The container port that swarm runs on. number 80 no
helix_swarm_desired_container_count The desired number of containers running the Helix Swarm service. number 1 no
helix_swarm_efs_performance_mode The performance mode of the EFS file system used by the Helix Swarm service. Defaults to general purpose. string "generalPurpose" no
helix_swarm_efs_throughput_mode The throughput mode of the EFS file system used by the Helix Swarm service. Defaults to bursting. string "bursting" no
helix_swarm_service_subnets A list of subnets to deploy the Helix Swarm service into. Private subnets are recommended. list(string) n/a yes
internal Set this flag to true if you do not want the Helix Swarm service load balancer to have a public IP. bool false no
name The name attached to swarm module resources. string "swarm" no
p4d_port The P4D_PORT environment variable where Swarm should look for Helix Core. Defaults to 'ssl:perforce:1666' string "ssl:perforce:1666" no
p4d_super_user_arn The ARN of the parameter or secret where the p4d super user username is stored. string n/a yes
p4d_super_user_password_arn The ARN of the parameter or secret where the p4d super user password is stored. string n/a yes
p4d_swarm_password_arn The ARN of the parameter or secret where the swarm user password is stored. string n/a yes
p4d_swarm_user_arn The ARN of the parameter or secret where the swarm user username is stored. string n/a yes
project_prefix The project prefix for this workload. This is appeneded to the beginning of most resource names. string "cgd" no
redis_container_cpu CPU allotment for Helix Swarm Redis container. number 1024 no
redis_container_memory Memory allotment for Helix Swarm Redis container. number 2048 no
redis_container_name The name of the Redis container. string "swarm-redis" no
redis_container_port The port where the Redis cache that Swarm should use is running. number 6379 no
redis_image The Redis image and version that Helix Swarm should use. string "redis" no
tags Tags to apply to resources. map(any)
"IAC_MODULE": "swarm",
"IAC_PROVIDER": "Terraform"
task_cpu The CPU allotment for the Helix Swarm task. number 2048 no
task_memory The memory allotment for the Helix Swarm task. number 4096 no
vpc_id The ID of the existing VPC you would like to deploy swarm into. string n/a yes


Name Description
alb_dns_name The DNS name of the Swarm ALB
alb_security_group_id Security group associated with the swarm load balancer
alb_zone_id The hosted zone ID of the Swarm ALB
cluster_name Name of the ECS cluster hosting Swarm
service_security_group_id Security group associated with the ECS service running swarm